Most popular Singer of the World is Shakira........!!!
Singer Shakira is now most popular celebrity of the world on facebook. She had 87,074,580 fans on facebook.
On social network facebook Shakira is at number 1st having fans about 87,074,580 . Singer Rihanna is at number 2nd , she has 86,356,754 fans. Aminum is at number 3rd having fans about 83,935,160.
Famous footballer Kristno Ronalod is at number 4th. Michael jackson is at number 5th & Lady gaga at number 10th.
In interview Shakira said that she always wished a long list of friends but she never thought that she can have billions of fans.
Singer Shakira is now most popular celebrity of the world on facebook. She had 87,074,580 fans on facebook.
On social network facebook Shakira is at number 1st having fans about 87,074,580 . Singer Rihanna is at number 2nd , she has 86,356,754 fans. Aminum is at number 3rd having fans about 83,935,160.
Famous footballer Kristno Ronalod is at number 4th. Michael jackson is at number 5th & Lady gaga at number 10th.
In interview Shakira said that she always wished a long list of friends but she never thought that she can have billions of fans.